Sunday, June 2, 2013

Simmy/ Reaction essay/Tue 9am

As children are the future of society, even photographers often focus their attention on children. The two photographs: "Village School" by Margaret Bourke-White and "Children's Puppet Theatre" by Alfred Eisenstadt both take children as the main characters. In the first photograph, children lack smile and the mood is kind of serious; while in the second photograph, the children seem to be excited and the mood is bright and happy.

In "Village School", the mood is cold and serious. Children sit rigidly, their faces show nothing but stolid indifference. We are able to imagine that the teachers are so strict to them that they are afraid of the teachers and are used to hiding their emotions. In addition, the main color is dark which strengthens the serious mood. Children are supposed to be naive and happy, maybe the photographer makes use of the contrast to convey the message that teachers shouldn't be so harsh and indifferent to students.

In "Children's Puppet Theatre", the mood is bright and happy. We can obviously see the excitement and delight from the children's faces. So it's easy to deduce that the children are immersed in the brilliant performance. Also, the photographer chooses the bright light to emphasize the atmosphere. By expressing the children's delight, perhaps the photographer just wants people who look at the picture to be influenced by this positive mood.

The similarity of the pictures is that they both choose children as the main center of interest. The difference is that the mood and message that they express are totally opposite. As analysed before, we can see the difference from the children's expressions and the light that the photographers use.

In conclusion, the two pictures are both focus on children, but the one is serious and without warmth, while the other is happy and positive. Personally, I think the photographers make use of the various elements properly; thus, the messages are clearly conveyed. 


  1. 1. It has a hook in the introduction. But I feel that seems little bit general, so not that interesting.

    2. Yes, the introduction includes the titles of the two photos and names of the photographers.

    3. mood, contrast, main center of the interest

    4. Yes. In terms of “Village School”, the writer states that children are supposed to be naive and happy, maybe the photographer makes use of the contrast to convey the message that teachers shouldn't be so harsh and indifferent to students. The writer also talks about “Children’s Puppet Theatre”, saying that the photographer just wants people who look at the picture to be influenced by this positive mood.

    5. Yes. According to the writer, the only similarity of the two photo is that two photographers used children as the main center of interest. And the differences between the two photos are mainly about the mood in each photo.

    6. I couldn’t find any similes.

    7. According to the writer, the two photographs make use of various elements properly, so the messages are clearly conveyed.

  2. From Yujin Song,

    1. Yes, it does. Children are the future of society so photographers focus on them.

    2. Yes

    3. The writer used the term such as main center of interest, mood and contrast.

    4. Yes. The writer tells about the faces of children in the first photograph. She also thinks this is because of strict teachers. For the second photograph, the writer also tells about the children's faces and the effect of light.

    5. Yes, it includes the similarity and the difference. But I think it would be better if the writer explained the details more.

    6. The writer didn't use similes.

    7. Yes, I think so. It says if photographers make use of proper elements, the messages are conveyed clearly.

  3. 1. Yes it does

    2. Yes

    3. The writer expained about the mood.

    4. Yes. The writer describes the expression of the children. The writer also tells about the reason of theri expression.

    5. Yes. It includes the similarty and the differences.

    6. The writer didn't use similes.
