Friday, May 31, 2013
Ju Hye Choi / Teachers / Tues 9 AM
Ju Hye Choi / Teachers / 9 AM
Hyein Shim/ reaction essay/ tue 9am
A photograph can bring many emotions and feelings to people who are staring it. Even if the characters of a picture are laughing, you can feel sadness, or even anger. Because it depends on your own emotion at that time, not the characters’. So every time I saw the photographs “village school”, and “children’s puppet theatre”, my feeling is really different all the times.
The photograph “village school” is by Margaret Bourke-White. In this photograph, 13 kids are sitting on the chair, and all they are looking forward. No one is laughing, no one is talking. The background is dark, so it makes children’s faces dark too. Because of this darkness, the characters are really emphasized. This makes audiences focus only on the children.
The photograph “children’s puppet theatre” is by Alfred Eisenstadt. There are many children and all they are looking forward so it feels like they are staring at you, the audience. This photograph focuses on the children’s facial expression, so the audience can see various kinds of children’s emotion. Some of them seem like laughing, while some look like screaming. The background is bright, so it makes children’s face brighter.
Although these two pictures’ characters and backgrounds are fixed, my feeling of these pictures is not. It changes. When I saw “village school” three days before with full of happiness, I thought the children look really concentrated on something. Their wrinkled brows made me feel like that way. However when I saw this picture after few days, and I was really stressed, this children looked really upset. The same wrinkled brows brought different feeling. Also the photograph “children’s puppet theatre” brought different kinds of feeling depends on my emotion. At first I thought that the children of this picture are really cute and i felt innocence because of their facial expression. But I felt some noisy after few days because of my stressfulness. So I was surprised how my feelings are changed even though I saw the exact same pictures.
A picture is just a picture. It doesn’t tell something to us. It just gives the basic information. So if you feel some kinds of feelings from a picture, it may be your own feelings and emotions at that time.
Lo Yun Seo / Tuesday / Reaction Essay / 9 a.m
Having concentration on facial expressions of children in the two photographs, we can feel many different emotions. We can find out a number of stark contrasts from two photos even though both photographs depict the children who are almost in same age. One photograph is "Village School" which was taken by Margaret Bourke-White. Throughout the photograph, she wanted to show the harmful effects of wars so she included this picture in her own book, "Eyes on Russia", which was published in 1934. The other photograph is "Children's Puppet Theatre, Paris 1963" which was taken by Alfred Eisenstaedt. Throughout this picture, she wanted to reveal the freedom of youth. In both pictures, one boy is the main center of interest but these two pictures have a number of different in moods.
In "Village School", the children are forced to seat in rows in cramped, dark room. All the children consist of only boys. It gives the deep impression that the mood is much stricter. The boy who is the foremost is the main center of interest but even the boy the face expression is same from the rest of other. The children have similar face expressions. All children just stare something and compress their lips. Furthermore, they have a scowl on their faces. Also every child in the picture is isolated from the rest of others. Seeing aspects of light, the light which is shining only focuses on the heads of the children. The rest of parts of the picture are too dark including children's bodies.
In "Children's Puppet Theatre", all children are standing up in freedom in the unlimited and bright outside. There are not regulations or pressures and children are just behaving as they please. The picture includes both boys and girls. The expressions on the faces of the children vary greatly. For example, looking at the boy who is focusing on something and pointing out something, his face expression is considerably different from other friends. The boy is the main center of interest in this picture. He is screaming with his mouth opening widely. Like this example, in the photograph, some are laughing out loud while some are screaming and a few are gazing in awe. Also every child in this picture plays with other child not being isolation. Looking at light, every part of the picture is shining even though the children are much brighter
In "Village School", the light is shining only on the boys' faces while in the other picture, whole part of the picture is brilliant. These makes we associate someone who is about to hang in effigy from the "Village School". In the past, when a criminal was put to death by hanging, a light was shining only his face. Seeing the Village School, The boys in the picture remind us of hangers. So we can foresee that the boys' future is not bright so the picture gives us a sense of frustration. In the first photograph, we feel gloomy, serious, and rigid. In the picture they are just frowning. Also every child in the picture is isolated from the rest of others. So we can also feel lonely, solitary. Otherwise, in the other picture, we can feel happy, playful, and vigorous and free because the children has no inhabitation. They just release their emotions, not having any limitation. Also every child in this picture plays with other child not being isolation. So we can also feel warm and genial.
Both works have a few things in common. But we can find out much many differences in two pictures. And these differences evoke very different atmospheres from each picture. We can discover a number of differences much easier, even though in both photographs, the main centers of interest are the same. In two pictures the light part is different and it makes different moods in each picture. One picture makes we feel frustrated because of the prospects dark future of the boys. In the first photograph, we feel dark feelings while, in the other picture, we can feel a kind of bright feelings such as freedom, happiness.
Sunmin Lee/reaction essay/tue 9am
When we look at any of our pictures, we can feel the same emotion that we had at the time. The same is true of the photographs taken by professional photographers as well. Here are two photographs that can be good examples. One is "Village School" by Margaret Bourke-White, and the other one is called "Children's Puppet Theatre" by Alfred Eisenstadt. Although both are about young children, these two photographs have many differences.
In the picture "Village School," about a dozen of boys are seated in rows. They are sitting on long wooden benches that look uncomfortable. The classroom is very dark, seems there is no window, and the wall and floor are also wooden and dark with no decoration. Except for two of them, children are wearing same black clothes which seem their school uniforms. Because of these dark and dry backgrounds of the photo, the faces of children are highlighted. Including the boy in the first row, several boys are looking at the camera. They have short hair with pale faces, which are well contrasted with the dark color of clothes and classroom. Seeing the faces of children carefully, they barely show any emotional expressions. Most of them have expressionless faces, except for the boy in the very front with a curious look and the boy in the right side of the second row who looks worried and concerned.
In contrast to the Bourke-White photograph, children in "Children's Puppet Theatre" are in the outdoors. It seems like a daytime and has bright lights in all corners of the photograph. One of the most interesting aspects of the photo is that each and every child has different facial expressions. Two girls in the right side have widely opened eyes with big surprise, a girl with dark coat is screaming at something, and a boy in the left seems frightened closing his ears. All these different emotions show diverse characteristics of the children, which make the photograph much lively and dynamic. It is also noticeable that all the kids are not watching at the camera and this shows that they are all immersed in the puppet show.
"Village School" and "Children's Puppet Theatre" are both photographs of children who are in the same age group. However, the emotions and feelings evoked from them are completely different from one another. Boys in the first photograph are in the dark classroom sitting in rows. None of them are talking or showing any emotions, so they look serious, bored and even suppressed by their teacher or someone authoritative. On the contrary, children in the other photograph are all free to show their emotions. Some are surprised, some are scared and shocked, and all these emotions are expressed from the children's faces.
Despite the differences, both photos are dealing with young children. Yet, they are very different in the emotions and their atmospheres. In the first one, we can feel the formality, rigidity, and seriousness. But in the second photograph, we feel various and extreme emotions and vividness. From this, we can also learn that photographs have a strong power of transmitting emotions to the viewers.
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Wednesday, May 29, 2013
ChanLan Hong / Tuesday / Reaction Essay / 9 a.m
There was an old Chinese saying, "One picture is worth ten thousand words." What this mean is that, a picture tells a story just as well as a large amount of descriptive text. When we lay our eyes on a picture, it brings back nostalgic memories. Different facial expression and background settings convey different stories altogether. The two famous pictures, "Village School" and "Children's Puppet Theatre" are good examples for us to see how different settings and mood convey different stories and perception when is viewed.
"Village School" is a picture taken by Margaret Bourke-White, an American lady during the 1990's who is well known for her contributions to photojournalism. She is also the first American photographer who was permitted into the Soviet Union. In this picture, you see children being arranged into a V-shaped composition, similar to the hand sign of "peace". The boy in the front has a mischievous smile, while the two boys in the second row appears to be looking confused, not knowing what they should do and where they should be looking at. The gap between one another in the seats arrangement shows zero interaction among them. This creates a very tensed atmosphere. Gaze into their eyes, and it shows no sign of life. The overall expression and color in this picture looks dead.
The "Children's Puppet Theatre" on the other hand, has very rich expression from each kids. The boy on the left has his hands covering his ears. The girl next to him has her mouth wide open, as if she was yelling for help. The boy in black, right above her has his hands raised, yelling in excitement. The two girls towards the right are both hugging and resting on each other's head. One of the girl look very amused on what is shown in front of them, while the other look very calm. The personal space between one and another are close, this creates interaction and each has different reaction towards what they are looking at.
The lighting in "Village School" is dull and with the children dressed in black, making the scene looking depress. With the black-white colors and facial expression, it reminds a similar scene of our everyday life. The black and white color symbolizes clothes white-collar workers wear. White shirt on the inside, black coat on the outside. When engage with work, we are always looking real serious, and the working environments often impose strict supervision. We are expected to obey all rules and regulations and behave in a regular way, like those boys in the picture. However, the mood and colors in "Children's Puppet Theatre" shows the opposite. We often see this type of expression after work. We scream, we yell, we laugh and we joke. There is life in the eyes, burning with passion.
Even though the subject focus of both pictures are the same, each produces different outcome. On one side the children are sitting still and calm while on the other hand, the children are free and easy. The theme of the photographs that could be drawn are collectivity vs individuality. One has to conform to authority and another, is free to express how they feel. Yet, both pictures show how brutally honest children are when expressing themselves. When they are marvelously happy, you see big toothy smile on their face. When they are unutterably sad, you see tears rolling down their face. Being able to express their emotion honestly is what makes them children.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Minju Yeo/ Teachers /Tue 12
I've met many teachers in my life since elementary school. Among them, I remember my favorite teacher as my first teacher ever, the home room teacher of the first grade of elementary school. Although time has passed a lot, I still remember many lessons she taught me. Other than teaching us the class materials such as math or science, she always taught me and my classmates about respecting others all the time. She made a saying for my class, "As much as you respect yourself, respect others, as much as you love yourself, love others." Since she said this saying a lot to us, I still remember her voice reading this saying to us. I feel I'm very lucky to meet her as my first teacher, because I learned respecting others which is one of the most important virtues I have to have in my life. Sometimes it's more important than studying hard.
Kayeong Kim / Teacher / Tue 9 a.m.
A teacher, by the definition, can be everyone who teaches. I thought over who would be my best teacher ever. Soon, I found that I respect almost every teacher I met in my life. There was a special person, however, even though she is younger than me. In November 2011, I run for an election of president for the student organization. Usually, it was a single person as a candidate. But I had a very strong competitor. Because of the inner circumstances, there was tons of tense between us. Both of us had a powerful supporters and someone mentioned that it would be a crucial decision that could change the path of organization.
I finally won a slim majority and it wasn't because I was better than her. I was eager to be a president, but I wanted her to be a president. After the election, I couldn't treat her properly since I had no experience of that situation. She and I was a rival. I had no idea how to react towards her. It is normal that the winner approach first to the loser. Ours were different. She controlled her feelings of sorrow and overcame the failure. Then she approached me first and celebrated me. She joined my team after the election and she helped me a lot. She even told me that she felt relieved to see me as a president, not her.
She taught me a lot during a year. It was my first role as a leader and she always gave feedback for me to improve my leadership skills. I understand how hard to respect someone who beat on myself. It could be jealous or unsatisfactory to respect that person. However, she did. She did more than that. She taught me what the real win was. Until now, she works very hard in her situation. She became an example to me. I realized that the age doesn't matter when we want to learn from other people. I appreciate her teaching through our experiences.
Simmy/ teacher/ Tue 9am
We meet a lot of teachers in our life. Some are good and some are bad. One teacher I really liked. He taught us well and helped us learn other things too.
He was my English teacher. Unlike other teachers who just kept hammering English notes into our heads, he preferred the class to be active and funny. We made use of English knowledge to role play, and we also watched English movies to learn the oral expressions. He even led us to the open air to breathe the fresh air as well as learning the English expressions about nature. We got rid of the dull type of class and were actually immersed in his interesting teaching.
He also helped us learn other things. For example, he tried to make our attitude towards life stay positive. "Never frown, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile." He half joked.
"No matter how difficult situation you are in now, believe you'll go through it and it will be the past. After all, tomorrow is another day." I liked his warm smile, which also conveyed the positive attitude to us. I'm glad he was my teacher.
Jong Beom Cho_Teacher_Tue 9AM
I open my album and see the photos taken when I was young. Every year there is a picture I took with my teacher. There are so many pictures but some are deeply embedded in my memories and some are hard for me to tell their names. Of all those teachers Mr. Kim is the teacher who I always find first when I look through my album. "Math is the most sophisticated form of art," he used to say. Mr. Kim was a math teacher and every time before he started the class, he gave a short lecture on the importance of mathematics. His favorite words were "basics, basics, basics." The whole class was about understanding the foundation rather than memorizing and problem solving. At first his method was questioned because everyone thought math was all about problem solving. However, Mr. Kim's method taught us that the process of finding an answer and the importance of basics. His teaching influenced my life greatly. Now I always look at things in much longer perspective, starting from basics. I learned that answering is not the only fun part. I am so glad he was my teacher.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Minah Lee/Teacher/Tue 9 10
For my entire life so far, I've met so many great teachers who helped me be on the right track. Especially, I have the most memorable teacher in my life when I had in my senior year in high school. Senior year in high school is always a tough time for students. I also suffered a lot from my grades and sometimes felt discouraged after taking exams. At that time, my teacher was the one whom I can rely on the most, I get encouraged mostly after counseling with him. One day, I bursted into tears and cried more than 20 minutes over a conflict with my parents and stress from studying, he just let me cry and patted me on the shoulder. I got help from him on my Korean grade as well. My Korean grade was so low compared to the amount of study, so I bothered him with plenty of questions dealing with wrong answers. He always welcomed me and explained to me gently. He was friendly, open-minded, humorous but sometimes determined. I can never forget his way of caring me and I always miss him his warm heart.
Yujin Song/ teachers/ Tue 9am
I met my favorite teacher when I was in high school. He was my homeroom teacher when I was in the first grade. On the first day, I was little bit repulsed by his appearance; he looked like a foreigner, especially one from India. He had big eyes, sharp nose and brown skin. Also, he wasn't smiling so that I thought he would never be a friendly teacher at all.
However, there is a saying "Don't judge the book by its cover" and that was my misjudgment. He was friendly and thoughtful. Every time I asked questions, he not only answered kindly, but gave me snacks or drinks. One day I asked a question about the Industrial Revolution. He spent the whole break time explaining it and gave some chocolate when I went back to my classroom.
There was another episode. My class went on a school trip to a mountain. It was so high that some students felt hard to breathe. While sleeping, I felt short of breath. My friend brought the teacher, and he helped me use an oxygen bottle. Furthermore, he stayed by my side until I went back to sleep. He was always thinking about his students, and this is why I like him most.
Joung Hwan Park / My Middle School Teacher / 9 am
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Yujin Park / teachers / Tue 9 am.
We meet a lot of teachers in our life and we directly influenced by them and even some students change their lives by the teaching of their teachers. One great Brazilian educator and philosopher, Paulo Freire said good teachers are cultural workers who fight for oppressed students against society. I met the great teacher when I was in 17. He had been my english teacher for 3 years. At that time, all of my classmates were very stressed because of the test results and of entering good university. For teachers that I had met before, good students are those who study very hard and get great results and especially, follow school regulation. However, He was different with other teachers. He emphasized us to do what we want to do and enjoy it. When I consulted with him someday, he asked me what I'm good at and what I'm interested in. I was astonished because I've hardly been asked that kind of question. His teaching made me seriously think about myself. When I think about him, he remids me of Mr. Kitting of 'Dead poet society'.
So, after watching the movie, I thought deeply his great teaching. "You must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all."
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Chanil Kim/Pinning it down-Teacher/Tue 9AM
When I was a high schooler, I met the most memorable teacher ever. I cannot forget the first day of my high school due to one incident. At that time, my school was only for boys and still had some regulations on students' hair style particularly about length. And when I was in my class room, I heard a sharp voice from the hall way crying, "Are you out of your mind? How dare you came to school with that long hair?" As my friends and I sneakingly got there, a short and fat teacher was cutting one student's hair roughly. We were all shocked at the sight of that and later came to know that the teacher was our biology teacher. After that uproar, we gave him a nickname as LPG, which meant that he was likely to "explode" easily with anger.
While all students were scared of him, we all liked his biology class at the same time. He used to tell us sexual jokes to explain biological concepts, thus helping us clearly understand the concepts. Besides, the biological knowledge learned by that way remained in our memory for long. In other words, his lectures were very helpful. That is why I still fondly reminisce the frightening and peculiar teacher.
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Sunmin Lee/Teachers/Tue 9am
We meet a lot of teachers in our life. From school teachers to university professors, I've met more than fifty teachers so far. Although not all of them were good teachers, some of them were really good and nice that I won't forget their names forever. They were always passionate about teaching us well and helped us learn other things too.
My English teacher when I was in 8th grade was the best teacher I have ever had. Unlike other teachers at school, she tried new and interesting ways to teach us. "To learn new language is to enjoy other worlds," she said in the first class. She never told us to learn how to get high scores on exams, but to really enjoy learning English and the culture. In her English classes, we learned new expressions or sentences through pop songs or movies. She also let us to read short stories that would help us to improve our reading skills. Thanks to her teaching, I deeply fell in love with English and continued to enjoy studying the language.
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Se Jong Lee/Teachers/Tues 9-11
We met a lot of teacher in my life and one of my teachers that I cannot forget at the end of my life was my English teacher at 3rd grade in my high school. He was very enthusiastic man but also very loose at his work. Most of his class time was filled with his show off from his lifetime. It was in fact not really good for our study. However for me, I was very fun to read. High school 3rd grade was really busy grade and I had my year most in my desk so I have no time to hear and read so his story was the only way I can hear from the world. He says about traveling around the world and his marathon story which he finished.
After years when I go back to school to meet him, I heard he was fired for the lazy work. In fact he did his work badly but I was still very missed him. I can found him on the Cacao Talk which he was traveling around the world. I just laughed. It was whom I know 5 years before. He was still the man who he was. His free soul to life and did various things in his life was one of my mottos to me. I can never forget him for the rest of my day.
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Sunday, May 26, 2013
Seonyoung Hwang_Teachers_Tue 9AM
We meet a lot of teachers in our life. Although all the memories with the teachers might not be just pleasant ones there is one teacher I enjoyed being around with.
"It means to seize the day," she replied. Ms. Shim and I were talking about a word 'carpe diem' and it was her reply when I asked her what it means. "You should enjoy the moment if you cannot avoid it," she continued with warm smile.
Ms. Shim was my homeroom teacher when I was in first grade of middle school. She was in her late 20s with big round-shaped eyes and long light brown colored hair. She was genuinely passionate about her students that created various events for us to have fun together. She would have us bring cooking ingredients for 'cooking day' held every third week of Saturday. On the cooking day, the 'task' for us was to cook Bibimbap deliciously and my group accidentally put so much sesame oil in that the vegetables and rice were covered with oil. Although the dish seemed to be filled with water due to the oil and Ms. Shim had to drink a bottle of water after trying the dish I still remember how fun it was and the taste of the dish—It was the most delicious Bibimbap I've ever had.
Hyein Shim/ teacher/ tue 9am
From the kindergarten to the university, I met a lot of teachers in my life. When I was 7 years old, I met English teachers in the kindergarten. That was my first time meeting foreigners. At first, I was nervous because they looked different from my parents, friends, and neighbors. Their faces were white, their hairs were yellow, and they were speaking strange words. But as time goes by, the fear was gone because I realized that they were just same and also very friendly like my people. These teachers taught me English, and I think that was the starting point to get the passion of learning English.
In the elementary and middle school, I also met many English teachers. Unfortunately, they were not always good teachers. Some were good and some were bad. I met a Korean teacher who taught English in the academy institute. He taught only the grammatical things, and also gave a lot of homework. Because of him, I lost the interest of learning English at that time. But I had a happy feature of a misfortune. After I quit that academy institute, I met a teacher who taught me well and helped me learn other things too. And he is one of the teachers I really liked. When I was in high school, I was stressed about English although I had passion of it. Because I realized that there are so many people who use English very fluently, and compared with them, I was really poor at it. This put me under a lot of stress. One day, I had a chance to counsel with this teacher. He was the English teacher of my school, and he told me a lot of things, for example, how to improve English ability, how to get a good score on the English exam, and also how to deal with the stress. After I met and talked with him, the stressful things were gone, also my grades were getting better. I am so glad that he was my teacher.
Hwanhee Rhee_2nd Draft_Tue 9am
How to Make Your Own Film
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When I was twelve, my father, who was a creative execute of an advertising agency, took me to Los Angeles because his client had to make an advertisement there. After all of schedules over, we took a trip to Hollywood near the city. We spent two days in there, and that two days changed my life. After then, when someone asked me about my future, I always answered, "I want to be a movie director." Although I gave up this dream three years ago because of many circumstances, watching a good film still makes my heart beat. Before I gave up, I had prepared for being a director in various ways, and here are some tips to be a filmmaker.
First, you have to watch good films a lot. There are so many classic movies you have to watch to be a movie director. It will make your view about films much wider. There are so many good stories, method of using cameras, and acting. Someone may refute that you do not have to do it because it may restrict your creativity. It may be true, but misses a huge point. You cannot be sure if it is creative or not unless you watch other films. Just let movies always be with you.
Studying movies is also very important. Watching films without any knowledge limits the effect of your effort. There are so many things to learn about. There are many theories on films, camera works, and editing. You can read some books about theories or attend some classes in many film academies around you. Reading a book written by who actually makes a film will help you very well.
After watching and studying, it is time to go to be a staff. So many staffs are needed at the studio, and you can learn much more things at the real world than in the classroom. You can see how the things are done in the real world, and this experience will be very precious because you become a part of making the film. In addition, you can build relationships with many people who makes films, and it will help you a lot.
It is not an easy way to be a movie director. The door is not open very widely, and so many films cannot be on the theater even if it is made. It does not gives you a lot of money unless you becomes very popular. However, it is still very attractive job because movies make people dream, so that a movie maker is a person who makes dreams. Do some hard work, and you can make people dream.
Saturday, May 25, 2013
Ahn Sang-wook/teacher/tue 9AM
We meet a lot of teachers in our life. We met at least 12 teachers given the fact that Korean education course consist of 6 years of elementary school, 3 years of middle school and 3 years of high school. It seems that it is hard to remember all teachers we met. But I'm pretty sure that we all have at least one good teacher who was very kind and at least one bad teacher who was very incompetent in teaching which made us feel suspicious of his quality as teacher.
In my case, a good teacher I met was when I was high school seniors. He always said to me, "Cheer up, you can do whatever you want to do and makes it happen." The teacher not only encouraged me to boost my motivation in studying but also guide me in a right way. I never forget the teacher, thus whenever teachers' day comes, I send text message to him so as to express my sincere gratitude for his teaching. I'm so glad that he was my teacher. On the contrary, a bad teacher I met was when I was a sophomore in high school. He was literally the worst person I ever met. He always bombarded rough words toward students without reasonable reasons which could support and justify his vulgar words as a teacher.
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Jieun Choi/Teacher/Tue 9am
We meet a lot of teachers in our life. Some teachers are remembered as the teacher of my life, but some are not. For me, there is a teacher who I can never forget. She was my homeroom teacher when I was 2nd grade in elementary school. I was a kid who didn't like to do homework, like everyone else did. So, not doing homework was an ordinary thing for me. However, my teacher never gave up on me. She tried hard to make me do homework and study. Sometimes she strictly punished me, but sometimes she persuaded me with warm voice about the reason I have to do homework and study. After a semester with my teacher's hard effort, I never skipped my homework, and studied hard. I was so lucky to have her as my teacher.
Park Ye jee / teacher /
Many friends around me often regard me as a person who laugh a lot or a person who is outgoing and social. I agree about it to some extent. However, I didn't used to be like what I am now. Before I was 10years old, I was too shy to laugh out loudly. But, since I met a teacher, my personality changed a lot. When I was in third grade in elementary school, the teacher, who was in charge of my class, was about 30 years old woman and truly loved her students. She treated the students including me with smile. And the sound she made when she laughed was actually very unique which was like "Kkalkkalkkalkkal!". And she always gave her attention to me, which made, I think, me respect and want to become like her.
And, one day, we went a picnic. At that time I was wearing the very yellow jacket,
She made a nickname for me which was "a yellow chick.".
I was excited to have my nickname for the first time.
Unfortunately, the next year, she transferred the school. I was so sad that I wrote a letter maybe 2 or 3times. And then, she also sent a letter to me again. But few years later, sadly, I couldn't keep in touch with her. If I have a chance to see somebody, I want to see my teacher.
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Friday, May 24, 2013
Lo Yun Seo/ Teacher/ Tue 9am
Whenever I greet the Teachers day, there is a teacher who immediately occurs to my mind. The teacher was my home room teacher of third grade in elementary school. She is gorgeous, elegant and sophisticated. She frequently pulled up her skirts because she always wore a kind of long skirt. For, at that time, she just started to teach students in school, she lacked experience to instruct children. She didn’t know how to treat students and how to teach them. But she was really warm and very motherly. So whenever I had a kind of trouble, my teacher always stood up for students.
There was an athletic meeting in my school. After finish it, our class started to fight with another class. Our class had the worst in all games, the group which was next to my class continually taunted my class at all hours. It made my class students be annoyed and irritated. It resulted in fisticuffs. Every student god a slight hurt. That moment, my teacher immediately came running and broke up a fight. She looked really put out. I thought that I was scolded by her because I was a class president. So as soon as I kept eye contact with my teacher I busted our crying. After I did that, my class students also stated to break into tears. Then my teacher cried with us and opened her arms and hugs all students. For now, I cannot forget about that. In her arms I felt the most homely feeling.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
ChanLan Hong / Teachers / Tuesday / 9 a.m
When we talk about teachers, we often think of a person who provides education for students in schools. The roles of teachers are often seen as formal, and teachers are responsible to facilitate student's learning. Learning can come in both ways. The formal education is where students learn in a public institution from a certified teacher and informal education, where students can learn even while being outdoors with a non-certified teacher. Non-certified teachers could be their parents, their friends or their family. Through the formal and informal learning, we meet a lot of teachers in our life.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Hyein Shim/ classification essay/ tue 9am
By airplane, visiting all around the world because of business meeting is what I dreamed about my future. In the morning, wake up with sweet music and have delicious breakfast in my fancy room. In the afternoon, go other countries to have business meeting by airplane. And have a party with them in the evening. These are my dreaming schedule. I don't know what kind of job I want yet, but I want a job which can travel all over the world.
From middle school student, I always wanted to be a diplomat. At that time, I knew that diplomat is the only job that can visit the other countries. So I read many books about diplomat, and also about Ban Ki-moon who is the Secretary-General of the United Nations. With these books, I dreamed of diplomat and also dreamed of the world.
When I was in high school, I watched a television documentary about world food. I really enjoyed that even though I hated watching documentary before because I thought documentary things are so boring. And suddenly I thought I want to be a documentary producer. A producer can create interesting program and most important thing is producer can also travel all over the world. When I thought about this, I was really thrilled.
Also, I like English. Because I want to study English more, I entered Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and major in English Interpretation and Translation. I didn't thought about being an interpreter or translator, but as I keep studying about my major, I realize that these jobs are really great. If I have these jobs, I can make money with English which I like, also I can travel the world when I have to interpret in other countries.
I thought I can be a teenager forever, but now I am 21 already. I don't know what kind of job will fit me, and also what kind of things I can do well. But one thing is clear. I really want to enjoy my life with traveling all different countries. With this dream in my mind, I will keep going and do my best in my everyday life.
Simmy/ Classification essay/ Tue 9am
Dressed with suit and tie, holding the starbucks coffee, you walk into your office with confidence. I'm sure most of you have pictured your future career life, so do I. Now I major in the English interpretation and translation, I have imagined my career to be an interpreter. However, being a successful interpreter requires lots of abilities.
First of all, there's no doubt that interpreters should have a thorough knowledge about the languages. It doesn't only mean that they know the languages well but also the culture. Professional interpreters should first help the listeners overcome the cultural barrier and then interpret the speaking precisely.
Secondly, interpreters are required to respond rapidly. In simultaneous interpretation, they are supposed to follow the speaker almost at the same time. On the other hand, some unexpected situations may happen. Thus, their rapid response is needed to deal with the situations. For example, let's assume that the speaker says something really rude to express his anger. The interpreter, however, in order not to destroy the cooperation, may interpret the speaker's saying in a soft or gentle way, which means that the interpreter should possess the ability of judging the situation rapidly.
The last but not least, they are required to catch the main idea of the speaking and take notes in an efficient way. The interpreters are not the machine, so it happens that they don't know some words during the speaking. But since the interpreters' work is to catch main ideas instead of every single word, they should balance the importance of the information and take notes to help them re-express.
In conclusion, thorough understanding about the languages, rapid response and the ability of seizing the main idea are the basic skills to train to be a professional interpreter. Nevertheless, as you can see, there are so many excellent students in this EIT major, the occupation is competitive and other more useful abilities should also be taken into consideration.
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Parkyejee/ classification essay / 9a.m.
When I was eight years old, I began to learn English for the first time. It was interesting for me to learn from alphabet to a short word one by one. In addition, when I was a middle school student, I met an English teacher who was really passionate and was energetic. The way she taught English was really fascinating and attractive. I liked her and English alike which led me to study English hard and made me want to have a job which was related to English. Still now, I keep thinking which job I want to have and nowadays, I became interested in researching and developing a book to study foreign language. That is, I want to work in the field of publishing company. If so, among my abilities, which is helpful to work in that field? I think 3 abilities are important: Passion, patience, and communication skill. First, I think having passion is the most important. Because if we don't have any desire to do something, we would not feel any achievement and it is meaningless to work. Likewise, when working, I think the desire, that is having a passionate attitude is the most important ability. Second, being patient is also important. Even though we work what we like, sometimes we feel difficult or don't want to continue. I think we should overcome this step to be successful and with this attitude, we can grow our ability more and more. Finally, I mentioned communication skill because many workers need to collaborate to publish one book. So I thought listening to and respecting other's opinion is also necessary to do this work. I told my 3 abilities I have for my future career. Of course, these are needed based on my academic skill. So I will make ceaseless efforts to have my dream job and develop another abilities to make myself better.
Joung Hwan Park / Being a Translator / Tue 9am
Translating from one language to another may seem like a very simple process. People might think that it's a simple process of just changing the original text into the target language. However, there is more to the process of translating that often get unnoticed by people.
Know the language. This is the first and foremost ability that is required of translators because, without knowing the language, a person won't be able to understand the given text; hence, attempt to even begin translating. In saying this, knowing the language requires a person to be quite strong in both the source and target language because translating is a process of deriving meaning from the source text and then expressing one's interpretation in the target language. If there is a language barrier, then a wrong interpretation of the text will lead to a wrong end result in the translation process.
Know the theory. Translation also has a lot of theory such as methods and different approaches that need to be taken into consideration. There is a choice between being faithful to the text and placing priority on the overall flow of the text. Of course there are pros and cons for both approaches because choosing faithfulness will mean text is translated with the exact meaning and feel of the source text, whereas focusing on the flow will mean that the target readers and their convenience are taken into consideration.
Know the culture. Having a good understanding of the target language and its culture is crucial when it comes to translating. Although a translator could complete the job without having much knowledge about the target language's culture, but that would only make the translation a dry and boring end product. Knowing the culture will definitely help the translator in understanding the source text better, and using appropriate terms and expressions for the target readers.
Translating isn't just about knowing a language and being able to express one's thoughts with it. It's actually a more complicated process of deriving meaning and culture from the source text to the target text. Therefore, know the language, know the theory and know the culture. That's the key to becoming a good translator.
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Saturday, May 18, 2013
Minah Lee/Classification Essay/Tue9A.M.
For my personal thoughts on choosing a future career, I put interests on a certain field on my priority list. So I decided to pursue a career as a fashion merchandiser dealing with new items in the market. I'd love to introduce fancy items to customers and meet their tastes, giving them full satisfaction. To be a merchandiser, one should be good at setting the trends, maintain an active attitude and open to customers' needs. A merchandiser should be good at reading social atmosphere to be a trend setter. Rather than to follow the trend and bring similar items to the market which don't have any distinct characteristics, there would be little possibility to be sold out. To set the trend, a merchandiser should be interested in various aspects of life; especially they should be well-acquainted with current issues, economic and social condition. To maintain an active attitude is also important to a merchandiser. A merchandiser should be eager to find new items which are hard to find in the existing market. People tend to be more satisfied with having uncommon items so called limited edition. To be a best-selling merchandiser, she has to be energetic and passionate to move around to find items and faster than other merchandisers to dominate the market in advance. Last but not least, a customer should be open to customers to know their wants and needs. To know customers' tastes better, a merchandiser should be keen to read customers' purchasing patterns and attentive to customers' feedbacks. Nowadays, it became easier to listen to those who buy items thanks to online communities. Finding and planning to make products which have unique brand identity are highly up to a merchandiser's capability. To be a competent merchandiser, one should be good at reading social atmosphere, have an active attitude and open to customers. Since those capabilities could be learned and trained, a merchandiser should put much efforts on strengthen these skills.
Sunmin Lee/classification essay/tuesday 9
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Jong Beom Cho_Classification Essay_Tue 9AM
They are like shadows. They are behind almost every negotiations, conferences and marketing activities. Interpreters and translators are always there to build a bridge between two different languages. Without them it would be extremely difficult for people to communicate and work with those speaking different languages. Therefore, becoming a competent interpreter or translator requires highly disciplined skills and ability.
The most important skill is an excellent command of at least two languages including one’s mother tongue. In the field of translating and interpreting, language skill is not the main subject to study. Studying a language is for the linguistics and literature majors. For those who aiming to become a translator or interpreter, language is like a tool. It is the absolute necessity one cannot do anything without. It is like a tool for a carpenter. One must have it in order to perform interpreting and translating.
The second skill one need to become an interpreter or a translator is experience. Interpreting and translating skill is learned inductively, not deductively. In other words, it is not learned logically but through many trials and errors. Of course, some common wisdom are passed down and learned from books but the rest is up to the person studying in the field. For example, some words have different meanings depending on the context. Those with sufficient experience will be able to identify this and correctly reproduce it to target language. However, without experience it would be impossible to do it.
The last skill a competent interpreters and translators should have is a professional knowledge in a specific field. It is widely known that translators and interpreters must be knowledgeable little bit in a wide variety of areas. However, this is no longer true now. Now there are many who have language proficiency being professional in their fields, even though they are not interpreters or translators. Therefore, without any professional knowledge in certain fields, it is hard to survive as an interpreter or a translator.
Interpreters and translators may seem like people who are only good at multi languages. However, it is a profession which requires far more difficult disciplines than just language. It requires not only the mastery of two different languages but also experience and professional knowledge. Therefore, to become a competent interpreter or translator one must become a superman who is able to do virtually everything.
Lo Yun Seo/ Classification Essay/ Tue 9am
All famous people have something in common. Among them, the most significant thing is that all they have a dream. Furthermore, to realize that dream, they have always tried to make a number of efforts. In addition, they have done their best to possess abilities for their potential career. In my case, I have an earnest dream that I always aspire for a long time. Someday I want to be an economics professor. So to achieve my dream I must possess skills for my future career. Here are the three abilities that I must possess in order of importance. And I will also explain whether I posses it or not now.
The most important skill needed to succeed in teaching students is the ability to be confident in front of a lot of students. Can you imagine that a professor is teaching economics very energetically, but the professor is too shy to be understood the lecture by students? Everybody thinks that the professor chooses the wrong profession. So developing confidence is the most significant skill in my dream. In my case, I am lacking in confidence doing presentation in front of other peoples. So In my college life, I have to learn not to be shy in front of a lecture desk for my future. For developing more and more confidence, I have always made presentation related to my team project in front of a number of audiences in my economic lectures. For example, last semester, I did six team project presentations in my university. If I do these experiences in my school life, my fear about being lack of confidence will be gone away.
The second most important ability is the skill to teach students. As everybody well knows, the professor’s bounden duty is teaching. I think that the best professor is not the person who has a lot of knowledge, but teaches people competently. I suppose that I have a good ability in teaching someone. For example, I had taught middle school students for volunteer work when I was a high school student. One of my students had very poor grade in particularly social subject at the first time that we met. But after we had studied for one year, the student got ‘A’ for social studies. So I believe that I already have the skill to teach someone.
Computer skills are valuable but are the least important ability needed to be a professor. Computer abilities are not vital to be a professor. But if you have these skills, you can have opportunities to improve efficiencies. Let’s suppose there are two economics professors. One is a computer literate and the other is not. All of a sudden, the professors want to give some assignments to their students. In this case, the former professor just writes on the class’ blog about assignments. That’s it. But the latter professor who does not have knowledge to use blog maybe texts messages to all the students or calls the students. The methods are exceedingly cumbrous. So I consider that it is useful for me to posses the computer skills. In my case, I already have proficient computer abilities. I already got three certifications be associated with computer skills. So If I really make my dream come true, I do not worry about computer abilities.
For now I introduce three abilities that the economics professors obtain. The most important skill is being confident in front of students. Furthermore the second ability that the career need is teaching other people well. And the useful skill is computer skills. I already have considerable skills in teaching other people and using computer. But I consider that I am lack of confidence to stand in front of students. So I must overcome shyness to achieve my dream. For that, I will try to do more and more presentation in front of other students in my college day.
Yujin Song/ Classification Essay/ Tue 9am
Numbers are common in our everyday life. We see them on menus, price tags and account books. So it is easy to shrug off the importance of numbers; however, they are another language in accounting. Accounting is similar to keeping household accounts, but for companies. Accountants prepare financial statements for companies, and potential investors use them for their investment or stock trading. As most big companies are require to disclose their financial statements, the role of accountants are getting greater. To be an accountant, we need competence in accounting, proficient skill on computer, and honesty.
First, it is clear that competence in accounting is important. In fact, accountants should get a certificate. As mentioned earlier, numbers are the main language for accountants. They use numbers prepare financial reports and analyze reports from other companies. Though they use numbers, however, accounting is different from mathematics. As there is an accounting principle adapted to usual companies, accountants need to be familiar with the settled standard. To prove their competence in the standard, or accounting, accountants should have a certificate.
Furthermore, proficiency on computer programs is required. In the past, accountants used to handwrite financial reports and calculate numbers on their own. However, those in these days use computer programs such as Excel or Work Sheet. It is more efficient and neat to use computer programs. Also, as companies usually disclose their financial reports through the system of the Financial Supervisory Service, it is more time-saving to prepare them with computer programs.
Finally, accountants should be honest. The aim of companies is to maximize the profit so they will try anything to do that. They may even try to fabricate financial statements, conspiring with accountants. If a dishonest accountant overstates the profit or understates the debt of a company, people will buy stocks or invest money to the company because they think it is profitable and healthy. It can result in a great loss of shareholders and investors. As accountants play a big role on decision-making of companies and potential investors, they should have firm principles not to compromise with their morals.
To sum up, a future accountant needs professional knowledge on accounting, skills on computer programs and honesty. Though accountants are not seen in public and do not get a lot of attention, they are important for management as well. I am sure it would be attractive to help companies to communicate with people and potential investors to make decisions as an accountant.
Chanil Kim/Classification essay/Tue 9AM
There has been a massive influx of English and American literature into South Korea, and imagine that Korean would not have any access to translated works of them. Those who lack of English ability may wonder how then they can enjoy literature written in English. In reality, however, the Korean public do not have to worry about the idea; there are a lot more supply of English translator than actually demanded. So, the questions is how an English translator in Korea can be more competitive and gain more opportunities to translate literary works written in English. Here are three features that most of successful English translators have in common in Korea.
The first characteristic is supposed to be language proficiency in both English and Korean. With the number of aspiring literary translators in Korea on the rise, there has been a widespread misunderstanding among them: they do not need to improve their Korean ability just because Korean is their mother tongue. Almost all of them seem to recognize the importance of English as a foreign language, but they tend to take their Korean proficiency for granted, thus making no effort to improve their Korean skills. Many professional literary translators have put a great emphasis on the importance of mother tongue, pointing out that the most ideal direction of literary translation is from a foreign language to a native language. In other words, Koreans translating English or American literature should be focus on how the works can be expressed best naturally in Korean.
Secondly, background information is so much important as is language itself. The very first step of literary translation is to fully understand an English text. If a Korean cannot fully understand the original text, it means that he is not yet ready to translate the work. For example, in order to translate 1984 by George Orwell, a translator should be well aware of the social and historical situation at the time when it was written, especially involved with the advent of socialism or communism. Unless the translator do have good knowledge of the specific information, it is almost impossible for him to convey the important message reflected by the author to Korean readers. In this respect, it is one of high priorities for literary translators to make sure he completely understand the background information regarding literature written in English.
In the end, getting more than a Master's degree in either English and American literature or English translation itself is the other indispensable condition for would-be translators in Korea. It is essential not just because during the process of higher education, Koreans improve their translation skills connected with two features mentioned above; but because it is also the way to prove their literary translation capacities. There is no license for translators in Korea, nor is there any tests to certify them. But there a plenty of graduate schools well known for the relevant majors; for example, graduate schools of interpretation and translation at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies and Ewha Womans University are extraordinarily specialized in translation education. To go on to one of the two graduate school is the fastest and most effective way to prove how much a Korean is qualified for an English translator.
If a Korean hopes to be a well-known translator of English or American literature, he is supposed to be extraordinarily fluent in both languages, have a wide range of background information, and attain a master's or doctor's degree in related English majors. An language is the core of a country's culture through which the beauty of its whole culture is well represented. And literature of a country is the most tangible symbol of its language. In this sense, Koreans may find it difficult to appreciate the English and American culture without enjoying literature of two countries. Therefore, we cannot stress the importance of literary translator's role too much as the bridge between Korean, English and American culture.
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Minju Yeo/ Classification Essay/ Tue 1,2
There's a saying, "A diplomat is a warrior without a gun." Diplomats are multiplayers since they have to have knowledge in various fields including expert knowledge. They have to study other countries' culture, and have a profound knowledge on music or arts. To become diplomats, people should have outstanding abilities since they represent a country. There are important abilities as a diplomat and the abilities I have to possess to become a diplomat.
First of all, diplomats have to be patriotic. Patriot is an important basic attitude of mind for diplomats. They have to understand well of their own country because they represent their country. They have to be responsible for their behavior and be careful with their actions or words. Also, diplomats must know everything about their own country, including current issues in or outside their country or other basic information such as history and culture. As they understand their country better, they can love their country more.
Moreover, diplomats need a spirit of sacrifice. I read a book that a Korean woman diplomat wrote. She said being a woman diplomat is much harder than man diplomats, because they have to give birth and raise children. Since I'm a woman, I have to have a spirit of sacrifice to become a diplomat. Not only women but men also have some sacrifice to make. They have to move around at least every 5 years, so they sometimes have to live apart with their family. And sometimes, when they work in dangerous countries which are in a civil war, they can be in a serious danger. Diplomats are not only splendid as they look like. They sacrifice in some parts of their life.
Last is a keen insight. Keen and wide insight is essential for diplomats. They have to understand the whole situation of the events those are going around the world, and have position of their own. To have a certain position of their country, they have to have insight and understand the events thoroughly. They have to predict the future and calculate profit using their insight.
In short, attributes to become a diplomat is quiet simple, but not easy. They have to be very patriotic, have to have a spirit of sacrifice, also a keen insight. To become a diplomat, I have to become a patriotic person and have a spirit of sacrifice and a keen insight.