Friday, May 31, 2013

Ju Hye Choi / Teachers / Tues 9 AM

     We meet a lot of teachers in our life. Among them, I remember my 6thgrade teacher. He was a Filipino, tall and slim, who had black hair, dark eyes and a slightly tanned skin. He was always presentable and had a broad smile that made him stand out in the crowd. Whenever he smiled, the corner of his eyes wrinkled as his eyes lit up and his cheeks dimpled as the corner of his closed lips curved upwards. It made him look warm, reliable and caring. It had the power of brightening up the classroom or anywhere he went. I remember one day when his smile comforted me for the rest of the day when I was having a very hard time at school, mentally and physically. He showed me what a smile can do. Now looking back I am glad that he was my teacher for he has shown me the beauty and the power of a smile.

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