Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sang Wook Ahn/ TV essay/ Tuesday 9 am.

TV: Could you do without it? (150~200 words)

For me, the answer for the above question is yes. In modern society, the world has been digitalized in numerous parts, leading us to use digitalized equipment instead of past traditional things. A representative example is the computer. I think that the computer has already been replacing the roles which have been carried out by TV. I am able to watch TV show by using the computer's certain program and downloading it from some sharing sites at a small charge. I do not need to be worried about missing a TV program that I've usually watched. I can also watch the news by connecting the internet and clicking some links on the internet sites which are offering a variety of articles. In fact, it has been quite a long time for me not to see TV because of the fact that I can do whatever I want to do with my laptop. Furthermore, I can use my extra time not by watching TV but by doing something else. It can be listening to the music, reading a book, or just taking a nap. Therefore, I can definitely live without TV.

1 comment:

  1. Among the interest things of your writing, one is that you mentioned some alternatives to having TV, and another is the comparison between "with TV" and "without TV." And your main point seems to explain well your no-TV life opinion. Also, the word "digitalized" explains very well how the present world is. In fact, when I first saw your writing in the class time with the paper, there're some grammatical errors, but now you already fixed it:). But one thing that seems to be needed to improve is to make paragraph. You didn't make any paragraph division. But anything else, so far so good:)
