Saturday, March 30, 2013

200904071 Jaemin Park / festival essay // Tue 9am

The Korean festival of Daeboreum is the day of the first full moon of the lunar year.

People gather together and pray for the health and richness, watching the full moon.

During the holiday, people play several games and dance with hand in hand.

And having various kind of herbs and peanuts, families hope their health.

Nowadays people are too busy to gather togather so the festival is losing its importance. It's sad that this valuable cultural thing is becoming harder to observe with the times.


1 comment:

  1. Daeboreum : The Korean agriculture festival for the health and richness.

    In Korea, there are some festivals related to the full moon. People believe that the full moon is the symbol of fecundity having magical power so people pray their wish watching it. One of them is Daeboreum.
    The Korean festival Daeboreum is the day of the first full moon of the lunar year, which is related to Korea’s agricultural tradition. Daeboreum is the beginning of farming so ancestors regarded the day as valuable. Ahead of sowing in spring, people gather together to pray for the health and richness, watching the full moon.
    During the holiday, people play several games such as Jybulnori or kite flying as well as dance, which is called ganggangsulae with hand in hand.
    When people burn their field so as to kill harmful insects for farming, they put the fire in the can and spin it together, which called Jybulnori.
    People believe that as they fly a kite, bad luck is flied away.
    On the day of Daeboreum, families also have peanuts and various kinds of herbs so that they become healthier. They believe that having this kind of food brings good luck.
    Nowadays people are too busy to gather togather so the festival is losing its importance. It’s sad that this valuable cultural thing is becoming harder to observe with the times.
